Camac Blog

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2024: The Results

August 29, 2024
We are so proud to sponsor the Rave Harps International Prestige Award which was held August 8–11 in Singapore. Now in its 7th edition, the awards are masterminded by Katryna Tan and her amazing initiative RAVE HARPS. Read more…

Harpes au Max 2018

March 6, 2018

Harpes au Max is a special festival organised by the COMPA, the civic authorities of our home in Brittany, in partnership with us and the town of Ancenis. It began after we threw a big fortieth birthday celebration in the town - after which, the elected local councillors decided to do it again! We're hugely looking forward to the third festival, and the second official Harpes au Max, over the third weekend of May 2018. Read more…

A harpist spends half their life tuning…

February 2, 2018

...and the other half playing out of tune. Nicolas Lynch-Aird and Jim Woodhouse have published two research papers on the question of how to keep a harp in tune while it is being played. Read more…

‘Madame Scotia, Madame Scrap’

February 1, 2018

A new life of Celtic revivalist Héloïse Russell-Fergusson provides food for thought about musical authenticity. Read more…