Ebony Canopée

Ebony Canopée

Concert Grand Harp

Height:188 cm
Weight:41 kg
Range:47 strings, G00 - C45

inlaid Amara Macassar ebony / Diospyros celebica (body), spruce (soundboard), beech (neck and base)


inlays: sycamore and walnut. Detailing in white mother-of-pearl



The quintessence of art and a noble soul

Canopée has grown out of years of research – a fruitful collaboration between our master craftsmen and Jocelyne Réal. Réal, a “Meilleur Ouvrier de France”, has made an original masterpiece for us. It takes almost six months to make the harp, involving over five thousand individual parts. Rare woods and mother-of- pearl are at the heart of a unique creation.

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