

  • Now in its thirty-fifth year, the Rencontres internationales de harpe celtique in Dinan is a Celtic and world music summer institution, and as ever the Camac team are happy to be present with an extensive (lever harp) exhibition. Under the direction of Myrdhin, the artistic programme this year features: Corrina Hewat, Leonard Jacome, the Tristan Le Govic Trio, Blossom Harp Ensemble, Arthur-Coriolan, Ishtar, Tayir…and much more!

    Get an impression of what it’s like with our vintage Dinan CamacCam, below.

    6 rue de l’Horloge
    22100 Dinan
    +33 2 96 87 36 69

  • At Camac France, we will be on our annual summer holidays from July 15th – August 12th, 2018. This means that our head office in Mouzeil, L’Espace Camac Paris and our online boutique will be CLOSED. Please send us your orders and enquiries in good time, and we will be happy to take care of them before we head for the beach! 



    Summer Holidays 2018
  • Harfenfest Luzern 2018Sylvain Blassel, François Pernel, Anne Bassand and the “Deux en Harpe” of Céline Gay de Combes and Lindsay Buffington are all headlining 2018’s Harfenfest Luzern! We are delighted to be partnering this event once again (for a video of the last time, see here). Swiss harpists will have the chance to experience a wide variety of classical and traditional concerts, workshops and masterclasses – across all levels, from beginners to advanced. There will also be a special session for teachers; workshops on how to look after your pedal and your lever harp; a presentation of the electroacoustic lever harp; and we are also really looking forward to a special concert with the students from all over the Lucerne region. 

    Our technical team will be glad to regulate your Camac harp for free during the weekend, subject to reservation – for this, please contact Camac’s head technician, Enric De Anciola, directly. We will also be present with a special exhibition, so please email your commercial enquiries to [email protected]

    Harfenfest Luzern 2018
  • In another Italian premiere, harpists can discover the Camac Canopée in Milan for the first time over the weekend of September 14th – 15th. It will be presented along with a wider special selection from our range, also at the Novotel de via Mecenate and also with further information available from Enrico Tartarotti.

    Canopée Italian Presentation

    Enrico Tartarotti

    Via Don Minzoni, 5 – 22100 Como

    + 39 328 0364696
    [email protected]

  • Isabelle Moretti will perform the Debussy Dances at MITO SettembreMusica in Milan, on September 18th at 5PM. She will also give the Italian premiere of Pascal Zavaro’s Berceuse for harp and string orchestra, as part of a programme based around the idea of French dances. Before the concert, she will give a masterclass on Sunday, September 16th, starting at 10AM in the Novotel de via Mecenate, Milan. Participation in this is fully-booked, but you can still reserve a place in the audience by contacting Enrico Tartarotti of Camac Italia. 

    Enrico Tartarotti

    Via Don Minzoni, 5 – 22100 Como

    + 39 328 0364696
    [email protected]

  • The Camac Festival will soon be heading for Belfort – and to whet your appetite even more than our snazzy publicity materials already have done, we’ll be blogging some more about our programme over the next few days.

    The Belfort long weekend will begin with distinguished Italian harpist Patrizia Tassini. Patrizia is Professor of Harp at the Conservatorio “J.Tomadini” in Udine, and also directs Ventaglio d’arpe, a big student harp ensemble. Her curriculum includes prizes in Israel and Bloomington, and at the Second International Harp Competition in Varallo. Today, she sits on competition jurys throughout the world, for example in Israel, Bloomington, at the Paris Conservatoire, at the Concours Félix Godefroid in Tournai, Belgrade, the Concours Martine Géliot, etc. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the World Harp Congress, and recently has given concerts and masterclasses throughout Europe, in China, Taiwan and Turkey. 

    “After eight years of harp lessons in Italy with the excellent teacher Evelina Vio, I applied to the Conservatoire National Superieur in Lyon. This wasn’t a big plunge into another way of working: Elisabeth Fontane-Binoche and Germaine Lorenzini continued to work on technique in order to bring out musicality, giving particular importance to a proper articulation. When the academic year was over, and straight after I won second prize at the International Harp Contest in Israel, I got a scholarship to work with Eileen Malone at Eastman School of Music. Here, I continued with the technique that is variously described as “French school” or “Grandjany”, but we always took care of stylistic interpretation by looking at the the texts of the different composers. My experience of the so-called Italian, French and American schools of harp playing was not one of big differences, but rather a shared project to deepen and perfect my musicianship. 

    The harp scene is even more global today, and the technical differences in harp teaching are getting smaller all the time. Harpists agree more and more on hand position, about pressure on the strings for a good sound…the mobility and communication we all have today makes it easier for us to find out about teachers all over the world, watch what they do and apply it to ourselves or to our students. This is good for the level, of course, the level goes up all the time. 

    In Udine, besides harp lessons, my students take both music and harp history classes. It’s important to understand both the instrument, and the different composers who write for it, for a good stylistic interpretation. I also think it’s very important for harpists to do chamber music even from a very young age, so that listening to other instruments and breathing with them becomes second nature. Also, the ear has to get used to the sound of the orchestra, and you have to learn how to follow a conductor. But orchestra can be difficult for young harpists, because they are alone, nobody else understands their instrument, and they don’t play all the time. My harp orchestra Ventaglio d’arpe is for all my students aged between eleven and thirty, so that they can experience performing together, and also have fun! Everybody plays, whether on an easy or a difficult part, and we are a group, both musically and socially. By working together with different levels, students can set themselves goals for the future, in a supportive atmosphere without any envy or jealousy.”

    If you want to seize your chance to hear, and work with Patrizia, come to Belfort in October! Her solo recital will be on Friday, October 19th at 8PM; her masterclass the following morning from 10-1. Reserve your places via the form on our agenda page. 


  • Congratulations are in order to the Gödöllö International Harp Festival, which is twenty years old this year! We are happy to be returning to the beautiful setting of the Royal Palace, as well as the Great Hall of the Academy of Music. The entire festival runs for over two weeks, with a great range of contributions across the world of Hungarian and international artists, and diverse sponsors and harp makers. Andrea Vigh, Rector of the Liszt Academy of Music, and Anastasia Razvalyaeva, Artistic Director of the International Harp Competition in Szeged, will open the festival with French and Spanish solo repertoire: Albéniz, Granados, Franck, Debussy and Rameau are all on the programme.

    This will be followed by the “Camac weekend” of October 6th – 7th. On Saturday evening, Ben Creighton Griffiths will give a jazz concert – which will be your chance not only to discover Ben’s excellent blend of original music and jazz standards, but also how he turns the electroacoustic pedal harp into a one-man band.

    On Sunday October 7th, also in the Royal Palace of Gödöllö at 7PM, Isabelle Moretti will give a solo recital: Tournier, Debussy, Fauré, Pierné, Grandjany, and also Ginastera, Quintanilla and De Falla. During the daytime, there will also be concerts by the winners of the Hungarian National Harp Competition; a presentation of different student harp ensembles performing together with Ben; a children’s concert directed by Andrea Vigh and Csilla Gulyás, our Hungarian partner; and the much-to-be-desired idea of a “Cheerful Harp Competition”, this one specially for beginners. 


  • A hallmark of our season is the Camac Festival. This takes place every year in a French-speaking region (usually France, once Geneva), and including a big tenth anniversary in Nancy, 2015. We also took the concept to the West Coast of the USA, in Pasadena (2016), and to Washington, DC (2017). 

    The Camac Festival was born through our wish to celebrate the harp throughout our francophone home territory – because it is emphatically not the case that wonderful harpists and busy harp communities are only found in Paris! Each Camac Festival brings a wide range of international artists, regional professionals, students and harp-lovers together, across every possible musical genre. Our commercial team also aim to provide an exceptional sales and service opportunity, close to home for our clients in the area. We bring the biggest exhibition of the year, and a full team of technicians to carry out complimentary regulations. 


    Festival Camac 2018

    [email protected]

    +33 2 40 97 24 97‬

July 2018
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
August 2018
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
September 2018
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


    For questions and reservations of harp regulations during the festival, please send a message using our harp service form.

    Annulation : *

    Mailing list :


    * = required field