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Blog > News > 32nd Rencontres Internationales des Harpes Celtiques, July 8th – 12th 2015, Dinan

32nd Rencontres Internationales des Harpes Celtiques, July 8th – 12th 2015, Dinan

We are back from the Rencontres Internationales des Harpes Celtiques in Dinan. This marvellous lever harp meeting, now in its thirty-second year, is a warm, dynamic and international-level fixture in the Breton cultural calendar – unmissable for everyone passionate about the lever harp, its Celtic heritage and its modern developments!

In honour of the great occasion, CamacCam returns to the silver screen with an only sightly wobbly video. For those of you who could not be there, we hope it gives a feeling of what it was like.

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