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Raoul Moretti: The Solar Powered Harpist

The topic of sustainability is of prime importance today. Once upon a time, a working artist might have left this discussion to politicians, but with the threat of climate change becoming ever more tangible in all of our lives, it falls on each to do his part to the best of his ability. 

It is of no surprise to us at Camac that our great friend, Raoul Moretti, the unconventional harpist; an artist who has made a profound study of the electric harp and of site-specific concerts, has recently made considerable gains in the field of sustainable performance, and has been telling us of his new project, Harp4Green.Raoul Moretti: Harp4Green

“In recent years, the subject of sustainability has been an important topic in music production; Especially for big productions involving Festivals and touring pop artists, such as the singer Elisa.  I  have collaborated with such artists and participated in some festivals and thereby got in touch with a new start up that follows this theme [of sustainability].”

With his track record of making music in some amazing places, not least in his amazing show ‘Harpscapes’, Raoul has already gained insight into the fact that if we are to consider nature as consumers of music, then there is really no better place in which to do so than in nature itself.

“What’s more, I have always emphasised musical activity that underlines the delicate balance between the performance and the location; to create unique events or in nature,  or at places of historical or archaeological interest; or in caves or in post industrial, repurposed places.”

The reasons why Raoul has taken such an interest in sustainability will be recognisable to many of us, beholden to a system that might benefit us, but harm the planet: “I always thought that a life of music means travel. I use to live between an island (Sardinia) and Northern Italy (Lake Como): that means using flights or boats.  For concerts, I drive all around the island [of Sardinia] and I used to fly all around the world, so I have become quite conscious of my Carbon Footprint.”

At sunset...

At sunset…

But what to do? 

“I decided to plan all my concerts between July and September 2024 under the banner of Harp4green, and the independent Startup Four Green supported me, measuring my Carbon Footprint and calculating some compensatory actions, enabling them to certify my tour carbon neutral”

Raoul makes his set up sound remarkably simple, and we are proud that he uses his DHC 32 electro harp in this endeavour: “For solo concerts, where it’s possible  I use a power bank charged by solar panel that gives me energy to amplify my DHC, my laptop, and my sound processor.  For lighting i use just a solar LED light.”  He concedes that, as many of us have experienced, this is not always our place or prerogative when working with larger organisations: “Where I’m a guest of the Festival, I judge that the impact is up to the organisers, but my personal activity however is a part of Harp4Green and certified. “

The Harp4green summer tour takes in some amazing locations, some of which are well known to Raoul (and vice versa), while others are less familiar:

Raoul plays at the Botanical Gardens, Caligari

Raoul plays at the Botanical Gardens, Caligari

“I started my latest tour in my home town of Cagliari, in the Botanical Garden, a venue in which I have played for many years; it is a magic place where one always gains a great feeling with the audience,  the ambience, the sounds of the night, nature and my music. Then I will be moving around Sardinia : for example, ex-mining Villages that have become slow life communities, like the ones of Villaggio Normann and Rebeccu, or on the terrace of a medieval castle  atop a hill at the sunset (13th July: Castello di Acquafredda),  or at the sunrise in a prehistoric archeological site or on the beach (3rd august at  sunset San Pietro Island), or in a wood at the end of a hiking trail, and many other peculiar sites around the island”

Raoul will also cross the water to central Italy: 

“A part of this activity will take place in Tirrenia, or in the old village of Scanno for example (25th August), or in Pesaro, Italian Capital of Culture 2024, in the middle of an urban wood of 200 trees that moves each month from a place to another (29th August) “

If there is one thing of which we are sure, it is that wherever he plays, the innate poetry of the surroundings will be in total harmony with Raoul and his unique musical explorations.  Raoul can also embark on the tour, easy in the knowledge that he has considered the fragility of our world, and our own power to do more for it.

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