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Crowdfunding STEPS, the new album from Rossitza Milevska

Rossitza Milevska is crowdfunding her new album, STEPS. All eleven tracks have already been recorded, including two new arrangements, lots of original compositions, and plenty of Bulgarian fusion! This is the final push for promotion, so let’s all get together and make it happen!

Those YouTube clips we all love browsing don’t happen for free; nor does renting a hall for a launch concert, or making sure all the jazz press knows about it. Rossitza’s KissKissBankBank page has all sorts of great uses for your money, from one downloadable track, to a signed hard copy of the album (very reasonable at 20€), to an album and a private lesson with Rossitza…and even an entire private concert, for the fortunate in all senses of the word.

Can’t afford a private concert? Pre-buy the album, then bring it for signing to the Camac Festival in Toulouse, where you can hear Rossitza on Sunday, October 20th.  

Last, but not least: this crowdfunding’s running until July 15th! One more week to help STEPS see the light of day! 

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