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Harp health and safety in times of Corona: our advice to harp teachers

May 9, 2020

How best to sanitise harps, which are often shared instruments? Camac President Jakez François writes to harpists and harp teachers. UPDATE: this information letter now… Read more…

Harpes au Max 2020

March 20, 2020

Like so many cultural events across the world, Harpes au Max 2020 has had to be cancelled. Read more…

Results of the Concours Français de la harpe, Limoges 2020

March 3, 2020

The Concours Français de la harpe, which takes place every year in Limoges, enjoyed another packed and highly successful edition this year. Here are the… Read more…

Concert Afterwork at Espace Camac Paris: recital by the harp classes from Oslo – and Paris!

February 11, 2020

The Espace Camac is delighted to host a meeting between two well-known harp classes…and two famous teachers! Isabelle Moretti and Isabelle Perrin have created a… Read more…

New horizons for Raoul Moretti

February 18, 2020

More DHC 32 electric harp news - Raoul Moretti isn't slowing down any time soon either, with the launch of his fourth album. A collaboration… Read more…

Camac weekend, Saint-Louis: March 21 – 22, 2020

February 24, 2020

Caroline Grandhomme's harp weekend is underpinned by a number of particularly thoughtful, pedagogic concepts - an exceptional learning opportunity for students throughout the Alsace region.  Read more…

The Highest Harp in the World

February 19, 2020

It's official: according the Guinness Book of World Records, the Camac Janet is the highest harp in the world - and Siobhan Brady, its loftiest… Read more…

Freedom and fulfilment: the art of orchestral freelancing

February 3, 2020

Musicians are freelancing more than ever, and this won’t be changing any time soon. Is that a bad thing? The exciting careers of harpists like… Read more…

Blassel plays Beethoven in Bonn

February 13, 2020

In the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, Sylvain Blassel is focusing on the great composer. We're sponsoring one of his first concerts of the repertoire,… Read more…