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Jessica Browning: “Into Me Sea”

March 24, 2021

This Saturday, March 27 2021, Jessica Browning will be doing a Facebook live launch of her new album, "Into Me Sea". This album is about… Read more…

Ibacus International Harp Course 2021

March 9, 2021

Imogen Barford and Charlotte Seale, both harp professors at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, have been running courses together for years. What's the… Read more…

The Camac Mélusine…

March 18, 2021 being given fascinating new voices by the Swiss artist, Céline Hänni. Read more…

For every harp we make, we plant a tree

February 21, 2021

We are proud to have joined forces with One Tree Planted, a non-profit organisation committed to global reforestation. Read on to find out more about… Read more…

The French Harp Competition goes to China

February 5, 2021

Latest news of artistic projects during the pandemic! A collaboration between the French Harp Competition, and friends and colleagues in China, attracted several hundred online… Read more…

Les Jeudis de la Harpe… THE SEQUEL

February 5, 2021

The response to our YouTube concerts has been overwhelming - so it’s time for a second series! Read more…

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2021

January 22, 2021

Music competitions face many challenges in the Covid-19 crisis - and their response is ever-more creative. For their harp chamber music competitions in 2021, our… Read more…

Les Jeudis Classiques: online classical harp recitals

January 4, 2021

Our 2021 concert agenda is off to a fascinating start. Read more…

Christmas trad and a debut album from Woodlands

December 23, 2020

Stockholm-based duo Woodlands are exciting traditional music newcomers! We love their debut album - and their bonus Christmas videos. Read more…