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Phoenix: new double album from Evélina Simon

June 9, 2021

Two discs for two different atmospheres: Evélina Simon's new album is vivacious and reflective, full of love and beautiful colours. Read more…

Cristine Merienne: La Note Rouge

May 12, 2021

Full of excitement about Cristine Merienne’s concert for Les Jeudis de la Harpe next Thursday, we’d also like to draw your attention to one of… Read more…

Roll up, roll up!

May 6, 2021

Try your luck and support artists with the Lorient Interceltic Festival’s “New Stage” Tombola. You have until June 20th to buy your ticket! Read more…

Results of the North London Harp Competitions 2021

May 3, 2021

We have had a fantastic response to the North London Festival harp competitions, which took place online this year. Huge thanks to our wonderful jurors,… Read more…

Bisiad… “what you have in your fingers”!

May 3, 2021

If you haven’t yet heard of Kevin Le Pennec, he’s part of the new generation of the modern trad - and we love what he… Read more…

Glowing Harp Online: First Round Results, categories II, III and IV

April 7, 2021

162 dossiers, 36 different countries - the Glowing Harp International Competition has received an unprecedented level of entries. Read more…

Jessica Browning: “Into Me Sea”

March 24, 2021

This Saturday, March 27 2021, Jessica Browning will be doing a Facebook live launch of her new album, "Into Me Sea". This album is about… Read more…

Ibacus International Harp Course 2021

March 9, 2021

Imogen Barford and Charlotte Seale, both harp professors at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, have been running courses together for years. What's the… Read more…

The Camac Mélusine…

March 18, 2021 being given fascinating new voices by the Swiss artist, Céline Hänni. Read more…