Camac Blog

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2024: The Results

August 29, 2024
We are so proud to sponsor the Rave Harps International Prestige Award which was held August 8–11 in Singapore. Now in its 7th edition, the awards are masterminded by Katryna Tan and her amazing initiative RAVE HARPS. Read more…

Camac Academy China 2023

January 5, 2024

Just before we closed for the festive period, the latest Camac Academy (organised in collaboration with our friend Duoli Wu of Aria Music)  took place in Tianjin and Beijing (China).  It featured Isabelle Moretti in a week of masterclasses and lessons which was preceded by two eagerly anticipated solo recitals. Read more…

A portrait of our celtic harps: photographs from our atelier.

November 2, 2023

At Camac, we love our home, located as it is in the heartland of a proud Breton musical heritage. It stands to reason then, that the development and manufacture of lever harps of the highest quality have always represented a large part of our mission. We are therefore proud to present to you this fabulous photographic record of this most precious part of our output. Read more…

Veronika Lemishenko: Next stop, Zagreb!

October 30, 2023

“It is also very important to promote Ukrainian culture and keep talking about our country abroad - and this is what we are doing together with our harp friends.”  Thankfully, there will be a great chance to further fulfil this mission, when the Glowing harp Festival Ukraine (of which Veronika is artistic director) will be hosted by the Zagreb International Harp Festival November 22-26. Read more…

À Distance: Kevin Le Pennec, the Ulysse and the Vélorail!

October 25, 2023

At Camac, we have been delighted by a superb new video featuring our friend Kevin Le Pennec, performing his own music. The fruit of a collaboration with Swiss director Raphaël Bortolotti and Breton cameraman Ronan Le Pennec, their beautifully structured imagery magnificently reflects both Kevin’s lyrics and the composition. Kevin is featured playing his Camac Ulysse harp and singing on a vélorail. You may be surprised to discover that not everybody at Camac had heard of a vélorail (including the artist relations manager), so, we talked to Kevin, to find out what had inspired him to film in this way.

Glowing Zagreb: The Glowing Harp Festival comes to Zagreb

October 10, 2023

The 10th Zagreb International harp festival will be taking place from 22-26 November 2023. This special event has been jointly organised by the Croatian association of harpists, HATHOR and with the support of Camac Harps, under the leadership of festival artistic director Tajana Vukelić Peić. The festival represents a collaboration with the Ukrainian Glowing Harp Festival, which (under the circumstances) is holding its present edition abroad this year.

A different dimension: 2HipHarps on Stage

October 6, 2023

Whilst visiting Munich for the ARD contest, the Camac team were delighted to catch up with the marvellous Evelyn Huber, one of our favourite artists. We learned from her that she will be playing with another great friend of ours, Deborah Henson Conant together with the Salzburg Philharmonie October 7 and 8.  Following a bit of discussion, we learned about the story behind a meeting of musical minds….