Camac Blog

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2024: The Results

August 29, 2024
We are so proud to sponsor the Rave Harps International Prestige Award which was held August 8–11 in Singapore. Now in its 7th edition, the awards are masterminded by Katryna Tan and her amazing initiative RAVE HARPS. Read more…

Musical Postcards from Nabila Chajai

October 23, 2018

Nabila Chajai, Principal Harp at the Gran Teatro La Fenice in Venice, has been creating a wonderful series of "musical postcards" on the streets of Venice. Throughout the summer, she has taken her harp all over the city, performing solo and with colleagues, and accompanied by a journal in which passers-by can record their thoughts.  Read more…

Seven days to go…

October 12, 2018

...until the Camac Festival in Belfort! You've been reading about our artistic programme over the last couple of weeks - and there's something else as well: an unmissable exhibition which only takes place once a year, during our festival. You can explore our range, and also a large selection of second-hand instruments, from lever harps to concert grand. Read more…

Countdown to Belfort…Harp and Humour with Sophie La Harpiste!

October 9, 2018

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit - the Camac Festival will conclude with a very special event: harp, and clowning. Read more…