Camac Blog

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2024: The Results

August 29, 2024
We are so proud to sponsor the Rave Harps International Prestige Award which was held August 8–11 in Singapore. Now in its 7th edition, the awards are masterminded by Katryna Tan and her amazing initiative RAVE HARPS. Read more…

The Camac Festival will be…in Toulouse ! 

April 17, 2019

The third weekend of October means only one thing - the Camac Festival! This year, we're returning to Toulouse for the second time, and we're looking forward to bringing artists together from all over the world. Read more…

Second “Glowing Harp” Competition, April 5-10 2019, Kharkiv

April 12, 2019

A report and reflections about last week's contest in the Ukraine. Read more…

Philippine premier of “Winged Messengers”

April 11, 2019

Speaking of the Harpfest Singapore - not a million miles away, our partners in the Philippines will host Katryna Tan, for an additional performance of Eric Watson's new harp concerto, "Winged Messengers". Read more…