Camac Blog

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2024: The Results

August 29, 2024
We are so proud to sponsor the Rave Harps International Prestige Award which was held August 8–11 in Singapore. Now in its 7th edition, the awards are masterminded by Katryna Tan and her amazing initiative RAVE HARPS. Read more…

The French Harp Competition goes to China

February 5, 2021

Latest news of artistic projects during the pandemic! A collaboration between the French Harp Competition, and friends and colleagues in China, attracted several hundred online entries. Read more…

Les Jeudis de la Harpe… THE SEQUEL

February 5, 2021

The response to our YouTube concerts has been overwhelming - so it’s time for a second series! Read more…

Rave Harps International Prestige Awards 2021

January 22, 2021

Music competitions face many challenges in the Covid-19 crisis - and their response is ever-more creative. For their harp chamber music competitions in 2021, our partners in Singapore have come up with an ingenious combination of live and digital. Read more…